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What is involved in health and safety management?

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What is a health and safety management system?

A health and safety management is a company's approach to upholding and implementing a safe working culture. It involves a number of initiatives - some legally required, such as:
  • Creating and displaying a health and safety policy (if you’re business employs five or more people)
  • Performing risk assessments of your workplace to identify hazards and reduce risk
  • Appointing first aiders and having an updated first-aid kit onsite
Health and safety management systems are ultimately a tried and true method of reducing risk and increasing productivity at work, as well as across the business.
Taking a practical approach to health and wellbeing, safety management systems are based on a comprehensive analysis of the specific risks and hazards that an organisation faces regularly. It involves:
  • Initiating a structured risk assessment approach
  • Monitoring health and safety concerns
  • Performance monitoring; and
  • Implementing scheduled and documented health and safety strategies
  • Compliance with The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999
If you require effective health and safety management and training for your business, SMS Europe can help with all your health and safety needs. Get in touch with us today or visit our health and safety services page.

What is The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999?

The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 is a piece of legislation that outlines what businesses are required to do to maintain proper health and safety management. For example, employers must:
  • Identify what objects, equipment or activities pose a risk of harm in your business - also known as a hazard
  • Determine the likelihood of harm occurring and how serious this harm could be - also know as a risk
  • Remove, mitigate or control the hazard so it doesn’t become a risk to your employees, clients, or any members of the public
Small businesses will not need to take as many steps or much time to ensure their approach to safety. But for big businesses, safety should be paramount as the chances of harm occurring are increased. 

Why is The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 important?

The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 is important for a number of reasons. Most notably, it helps maintain the health and safety of your employees, as well as reducing the chances of accidents and injuries occurring. But it also:
  • Helps you reduce company costs: This is because the chances of accidents occurring are smaller, so there’s less chance of you having to pay compensation 
  • Promotes fair treatment: When safety is upheld across your business, it helps promote the idea that every employee’s wellbeing is important. This ensures that everyone in your company has access to a safe working environment and is equally a priority
  • Establishes a positive brand image: Compliance with The Health and Safety at Work Management Regulations 1999 is also beneficial for a business’s reputation. If safety is properly maintained and upheld within your company, it not only increases your credibility as an employer - but also makes you a valuable investment for stakeholders 

Steps you can take to ensure your safety compliance

In addition to your existing legal requirements, there are several steps you can take to ensure your safety compliance. These include:​​​​​​​

  • Promote the importance of health and safety at work: You can do this by offering training, or even posting information and helpful leaflets via company channels, such as your intranet.
  • Display safety procedures in an accessible place: A health and safety policy is only required for businesses with five employees or more - but regardless, it doesnt hurt to display safety procedures, such as you commitment to fire safety. Make it a part of your staff’s inductions and provide more information in your employee handbooks.
  • Outsource your health and safety to SMS Europe: To save time and resources, you could outsource your health and safety management to SMS Europe. We provide a range of safety solutions, including expert adviceIOSH training, and more.

For help with your health and safety management, reach out to SMS’s experts

Health and safety management can feel like a chore, but it doesn’t have to be. When you outsource health and safety to us, we can identify ways to improve within every service you deliver. 
We’ll even set out an actionable approach to help you stay committed to your compliance. Get in touch with us today for more information.